Publicaciones en Revistas ISI

Universidad de Sao Pablo, Brasil (USP), Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, Brasil (EEM-IMT) y Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Química – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil (DEQ – UFSCar), Brasil


Lima, D M F ;Zaiat, M. The Influence of the Degree of Back-mixing on Hydrogen Production in an Anaerobic Fixed-bed Reactor.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 37, p. 9630-9635, 2012.


Linares, J. J.; Sanches, C. ;Paganin, V. A.; Gonzalez, E. R. Poly (2,5-bibenzimidazole) Membranes: Physico-Chemical Characterization Focused on Fuel Cell Applications. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 159, p. F194-F202, 2012.


Linares, José J.; Sanches, Cassandra; Paganin, Valdecir A.; Gonzalez, Ernesto R. Performance of a poly(2,5-benzimidazole)-based polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 37, p. 7212-7220, 2012.


Lovato, G ;Bezerra Jr., R A ; Rodrigues, J A D ; Ratusznei, S M ; Zaiat, M . Effect of Feed Strategy on Methane Production and Performance of an AnSBBR Treating Effluent from Biodiesel Production.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 166, p. 2007-2029, 2012.


Maintinguer, S. I.; Fernandes, B. S. ; Duarte, I C S ; Saavedra, N K D ; Varesche, M. B. A. Fermentative hydrogen production by microbial consortium. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 33, p. 4309-4317, 2008.


Maintinguer, S. I., Lazaro, C. Z., Sakamoto, I., Varesche. Biological Hydrogen Production from Environmental Sample In Tropical Countries. HOLOS Environment (Online)., v.11, p.26 – 26, 2011.


Maintinguer, S. I., Sakamoto, I., Lazaro, C. Z., Oliveira, L., Varesche, M.B.A. Hydrogen bioproduction with xylose from tropical climate environmental sample. Essays on Environmental Studies, v.1, p. 127-138, 2012.


Maintinguer, S.I., Fernandes, B.S., Duarte, I.C.S., Saavedra, N.K., Adorno, M.A.T., Varesche, M.B.A. Fermentative hydrogen production with xylose by Clostridium and Klebsiella species in anaerobic batch reactors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (21) , pp. 13508-13517, 2011.

Heat pre-treatment of the inoculum associated to the pH control was applied to select hydrogen-producing bacteria and endospores-forming bacteria. The source of inoculum to the heat pre-treatment was from a UASB reactor used in the slaughterhouse waste treatment. The molecular biology analyses indicated that the microbial consortium presented microorganisms affiliated with Enterobacter cloacae (97% and 98%), Clostridium sp. (98%) and Clostridium acetobutyricum (96%), recognized as H 2 and volatile acids’ producers. The following assays were carried out in batch reactors in order to verify the efficiencies of sucrose conversion to H 2 by the microbial consortium: (1) 630.0 mg sucrose/L, (2) 1184.0 mg sucrose/L, (3) 1816.0 mg sucrose/L and (4) 4128.0 mg sucrose/L. The subsequent yields were obtained as follows: 15% (1.2 mol H 2/mol sucrose), 20% (1.6 mol H 2/mol sucrose), 15% (1.2 mol H 2/mol sucrose) and 4% (0.3 mol H 2/mol sucrose), respectively. The intermediary products were acetic acid, butyric acid, methanol and ethanol in all of the anaerobic reactors. © 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy.

Peixoto, Guilherme; Pantoja-Filho, Jorge LuisRodrigues ; Agnelli, José Augusto Bolzan ; Barboza, Marlei, Zaiat, Marcelo. Hydrogen and Methane Production, Energy Recovery, and Organic Matter Removal from Effluents in a Two-Stage Fermentative Process. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Online), v. 168, P. 651-671, 2012.
Peixoto, Guilherme; Saavedra, Nora Katia ; Varesche, Maria Bernadete A. ; Zaiat, Marcelo . Hydrogen production from soft-drink wastewater in an upflow anaerobic packed-bed reactor.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 36, p. 8953-8966, 2011.


Penteado, Eduardo Dellosso; Lazaro, Carolina Zampol ; Sakamoto, Isabel Kimiko ; Zaiat, M. Influence of seed sludge and pretreatment method on hydrogen production in packed-bed anaerobic reactors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 38, p. 6137-6145, 2013.


Perna, V.; Castelló, E. ; Wenzel, J. ; Zampol, C.; Fontes Lima, D.M.; Borzacconi, L.; Varesche, M.B.; Zaiat, M.Etchebehere, C. Hydrogen production in an upflow anaerobic packed bed reactor used to treat cheese whey. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 38, p. 54-62, 2013.


Ratti, R., Botta, L., Maintinguer, S. I., Lazaro, C. Z., Varesche. Bioconversion Of Cellulose To Hydrogen By Dark Fermentation. HOLOS Environment (Online), v.11, p.22 – 22, 2011.

Regiane Priscila Ratti; Lívia Silva Botta; Isabel Kimiko Sakamoto; Maria Bernadete A. Varesche. Microbial diversity of hydrogen producing bacteria in batch reactors fed with cellulose using leachate as inoculum. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. v. 38, p. 9707- 9717, 2013..


Sakamoto, I.K., Maintinguer, S.I., Hirasawa, J.S., Adorno, M.A.T., Varesche, M.B.A. Evaluation of microorganisms with sulfidogenic metabolic potential under anaerobic conditions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 55 (5), pp. 779-784, 2012.


Shida, G.M., Sader, L.T., Cavalcante De Amorim, E.L., Sakamoto, I.K., Maintinguer, S.I., Saavedra, N.K., AmâncioVaresche, M.B., Silva, E.L. Performance and composition of bacterial communities in anaerobic fluidized bed reactors for hydrogen production: Effects of organic loading rate and alkalinity, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy37 (22) , pp. 16925-16934, 2012.

Vich, D V ; GARCIA, M. L. ; Varesche, M. B. Methanogenicpotencial and microbial community of anaerobic batch reactors at different methylamine/sulfate ratios.Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso), v. 28, p. 1-8, 2011.


Universidad de la Republica e Instituto Clemente Estable, Uruguay

Perna V.,CastellóE.,Wenzel J.,Zampol C., Borzacconi L., Varesche B., Zaiat M., Etchebehere C. (2013)Hydrogen production in an upflow anaerobic packed bed reactor used to treat cheese whey. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy: 38, 54 – 62.


CastellóE., Perna V., Wenzel J., Borzacconi L., Etchebehere C. (2011) Microbial community composition and reactor performance during hydrogen production in a UASB reactor fed with raw cheese wheyinoculated with compost. Water Science and Technology: 64, 2265 – 2273.


Castelló E., García C., Iglesias T., Paolino G., Wenzel J., Borzacconi L., Etchebehere C. (2009) Feasibility of biohydrogen production from cheese whey using a UASB reactor: Links between microbial community and reactorperformance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy: 34 (14). 5674 – 5682.


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México (UNAM)





Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


  1. Tapia-Venegas, J. E. Ramírez, A. Donoso-Bravo, L. Jorquera, J.-P. Steyer and Gonzalo Ruiz-Filippi. 2013. Bio-hydrogen production during acidogenic fermentation in a multistage stirred tank reactor.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (5): 2185–2190.


Cubillos, G., Arrue, R., Tapia-Venegas E., Jeison R., Chamy, R.,Rodrigez, J., Ruiz, G. 2010. Simultaneous effects of pH and substrate concentration on hydrogen production by acidogenic fermentation.Electronic Journal of Biotechnology ISSN: 0717-3458. 13 (1). doi: 10.2225/vol13-issue1-fulltext-6


  1. Bakonyi, N. Nemestothy, J. Ramirez, G. Ruiz-Filippi, K. Belafi-Bako. Escherichia coli (XL1-BLUE) for continuous fermentation of bioH2 and its separation by polyimide membrane. 2012. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  37 (7): 5623-5630.


J.-R. Bastidas-Oyanedel, C.-A. Aceves-Lara, G. Ruiz-Filippi, J.-P. Steyer. 2008. Thermodynamic Analysis of Energy Transfer in Acidogenic Cultures. Engineering in Life Sciences, 8 (5): 487–498. DOI: 10.1002/elsc.200800044


J.E.Ramírez, E. Tapia-Venegas, N. Nemestóthy,P. Bakonyi, K. Beéafi-Bacó, G. Ruiz-Filippi. 2013. Evaluation of two gas membrane modules for fermentative hydrogen separation. International Journal of HydrogenEnergy; 38 (32): 14042-14052.


  1. Tapia-Venegas, A. Donoso-Bravo, L. Cabrol, A. Pereira, M. Alves, A. Rapaport, G. Ruiz-Filippi. A methodology for a quantitative interpretation of DGGE with the help of mathematical modelling. Application in bio-hydrogen production. Water science and techonology.  In Press 2013  doi:10.2166/wst.2013.719



Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT)


Arreola-Vargas, J., Celis, L.B., Buitron, G., Razo-Flores, E., Alatriste-Mondragón, F. (2103). “Hydrogen production from acid and enzymatic oat straw hysrolysates in an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38:13884-13894


Gomez-Tovar, F., Celis, L.B., Razo-Flores, E., Alatriste-Mondragón, F. (2012). “Chemical and enzymatic sequential pretreatment of oat straw for methane production”.Bioresource Technology 116:3372-378


Carrillo-Reyes, J., Celis, L.B., Alatriste-Mondragón, F., Razo-Flores, E. (2012). “Different start-up strategies to enhance biohydrogen production from cheese whey in UASB reactors”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:5591-5601


Davila-Vazquez, G., de León-Rodríguez, A., Alatriste-Mondragón, F., Razo-Flores, E. (2011). “The buffer composition impacts the hydrogen production and the microbial community composition in non-axenic cultures”. Biomass and Bioenergy 35:3174-3181


Cota-Navarro, CB., Carrillo-Reyes, J., Davila-Vazquez, G., Alatriste-Mondragón F., Razo-Flores E. (2011). Continuos hydrogen and methane production in a two-stage cheese whey fermentation system. Water Science and Technology 64(2):367-374


Arriaga, S., Rosas, I., Alatriste-Mondragon. F., Razo-Flores, E. (2011). “Continuos production of hydrogen from oat straw hydrolysate in a biotrickling filter”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36(5):3442-3449


Rosales-Colunga, L.M., Razo_Flores, E., Ordoñez,L.G., Alatriste-Mondragón, F., De León- Rodríguez, A. (2010). “Hydrogen production by Escherichia coli ΔhycA ΔlacI using cheese whey as substrate”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35:491-499


Davila-Vazquez, G., Alatriste-Mondragón, F., de Leon-Rodríguez, A., and Razo-Flores, E. (2008). “Fermentative hydrogen production in batch experiments using lactose, cheese wey and glucose: influence of initial substrate concentration and pH”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:4989-4997


Davila-Vazquez, G., Arriaga, S., Alatriste-Mondragón, F., de Leon-Rodríguez, A., Rosales-Colunga, L.M., and Razo-Flores, E. (2008). “Fermentative biohydrogen production: trends and perspectives” Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 7:27-45